Speed is Bullets Points

While most of us like bullet points, scanners just love them. The more scannable the text, the faster it is to whoosh through. Bullet points are the bullet trains of copywriting…

Before and After Copywriting in Action

Copywriting in Action Before & After

BEFORE & AFTER A Copywriting in Action Online Course One of the most valuable methods for learning and advancing your skills (in any endeavour) is through active observation. In my Copywriting in Action® courses, active observation is enabled by the Before & After (B&A) component of the sessions. And participants find it fascinating. We all […]

Copywriting and the sentence of suspense

Copywriting Course Suspense

… this is known as the periodic/suspensive sentence. I’ll stick with the word “suspensive” from now on because it describes the effect more clearly. Also, it goes with the visual.

Copywriting to abstract and concrete thinkers

In his landmark study into human thought processes, developmental psychologist, Jean Piaget, found that 80% of the population were concrete thinkers and the other 20% were abstract thinkers. Since the 1980′s, scientists suggest that the abstract figure is closer to 15%. This is a significant statistic … and this here empty sentence is written to give you some pause for thought before we look at the implications of this for us as writers.

Copywriting Outside In

Copywriting Outside In

So you are about to write. Change from inside out POV (self regarding) to outside in (other regarding) and your imagination suddenly opens to new, more refreshing ways to connect and engage him or her with your story.

A Christmas story with the happiest ending of them all.

copywriting christmas story

It’s about a writer’s tight deadline leading to serendipity. It’s about words. It’s about the small details. And it’s about a Christmas story that has grown stronger with time for those of us with ageing mamas and papas.

The Five Insights of Compelling Copywriting

5 insights of copywriting

… ‘how do you get that sudden clarity … that ah-ha moment … that insight?’ It’s good question. Especially for those of us in the communications and copywriting business and serious about ideas, knowledge, solutions and narratives. The answer can be the difference between inspired content creation and insipid content excretion.