Hey let’s Wordeate (Verb: To Create New Words).

Copywriting & Wordeating

William Shakespeare was such a prolific innovator of the written word, he created somewhere between 1,700 and 2,200 words — even more according to a New York data scientist who counted 5,170. Whatever the number, Shakey wordeated by changing nouns into verbs; changing verbs into adjectives; connecting words never before used together; adding prefixes and suffixes; as well as inventing completely original words…

Fire your copywriter and hire a journalist instead

How do you turn typical marketese-speak like this: Be inspired to travel on a journey with APT to a destination that will excite, thrill and leave you longing for more. India, so spectacularly diverse … Into story like this: For George Harrison it was spiritual. For E.M. Forster it was mystical. For Steve Waugh it […]

Speed is Bullets Points

While most of us like bullet points, scanners just love them. The more scannable the text, the faster it is to whoosh through. Bullet points are the bullet trains of copywriting…

Before and After Copywriting in Action

Copywriting in Action Before & After

BEFORE & AFTER A Copywriting in Action Online Course One of the most valuable methods for learning and advancing your skills (in any endeavour) is through active observation. In my Copywriting in Action® courses, active observation is enabled by the Before & After (B&A) component of the sessions. And participants find it fascinating. We all […]

The Last 3 Reasons You’re Not Great at Copywriting: Part III​

online copywriting course insights

Like any good communication, properly practiced copywriting employs focus, intention and empathy — three essentials easily overlooked when the mind is wishy-washy and the heart is half-half. The next three pointers are the difference between the forgettable and the memorable.