The 6 Genres of Copy Writing for Selling and Telling [Part 1]


COPYWRITING IN ACTION COURSE INSIGHT #15 The 6 Genres of Copy Writing for Selling and Telling [Part1] There are four purposes of copywriting (and all types of writing for that matter): to inform, to instruct, to persuade, to entertain or a combination of these. But how do we make sure that our purpose is properly […]

The 6 Genres of Copy Writing for Selling and Telling [Part 2]


To inform, to instruct, to persuade and to entertain: these are the four purposes of copywriting. Any other writing can be one or a combination of those, but in copywriting it’s all four. Why? Because copywriters have the most disinterested audience of all. Once you’re clear about that and the six genres of writing, you’re ready to craft sentences that suspend disinterest all the way to the final full stop.

The Four Purposes of Writing

copywriting and the four purposes of writing

No matter the target audience; no matter the subject; no matter the medium; the craft of copywriting employs all four purposes in the one sitting. Unlike all other forms of writing, copywriting is conversing with a reluctant, impatient and, quite likely, skeptical target audience. You can easily lose them any sentence along the way. That’s where all four purposes of writing combined keep them interested.