Love is ungendered. Beauty is ungendered. Humanity is ungendered. But the challenges of breaking down concepts of gender and its stereotypes can make us wonder, “where is the love, the beauty, the humanity?” Answers to this question can now be found in our series of two-minute articles written to support gender-neutral parenting. 

There are no hard and fast rules in this space. Instead, our two-minute articles show how a parent can raise their child free of stereotypes within diverse cultures, beliefs and traditions.


Perhaps the easiest place to start is at home. Our articles have got it covered: how to decorate your child’s room with more creative colour schemes beyond the pinks and blues; ways to mix up patterns on curtains, blankets and furniture; suggestions on letting your child have a say in the wardrobe choice; and tips for toy shopping in both the boys’ aisle and the girls’ aisle to expand their imaginations in play. 


What’s a little more difficult to change are attitudes expressed in conversation. Our articles take it in three steps: (1) how to become aware of what rolls off the tongue. Gender stereotypes are often communicated in unconscious messages from family, friends and teachers like “boys will be boys” or “she’s the most beautiful thing in the world”; (2) how to challenge phrases and nicknames that reinforce traditional gender roles; (3) how to target and replace phrases that inadvertently send kids unhealthy messages.


When it comes to behaviour-change, a bit of persistence can go a long way. Our articles keep you on track with advice on how to encourage your children to make their own decisions; guidance on enabling kids to act freely and confidently; and suggestions of great books you can read with son and daughter together.

If it takes a village to raise a child, OurWatch can be that village for you. Together, we can raise children free of gender biases who, in the long run, can contribute to making a more equal, more generous, more gentle world.


This post was created from an Our Watch communication brief. It is purely a Copywriting In Action course project (delivered as a masterclass at RMIT University) and may or may not have been used by Our Watch.

Meanwhile, my online copywriting course timetable is ready to take your enrolment today. 

Originally posted 2018-07-13 04:30:34.

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