There are many copywriting books that show you great copy. There are many copywriting books that list all the do’s and dont’s. And there are many copywriting books that tell you how to do it without actually showing you the creative and strategic process involved. But of all those copywriting books, John Bevins, Jano Caro, Ted Horton and Ron Mather all agree thatCopywriting in Action is the only one that actually demonstrates the process, concept by concept, word by word and line by line, of just how you go about the art and science and psychology and music and sociology and etc. of writing clear, concise and compelling copy from concept to the final full stop. In short, this copywriting book is your one degree of separation from a truly accomplished copywriter in all media. See the reviews by John, Jane, Ted and Ron below. But don’t buy it if you enrol into the copywriting full course or the in-house training. That’s because you automatically get a copy of this essential copywriting course book as a course participant. From concept to completion, this highly acclaimed book presents five masterclasses on the act of writing quality content for on-and-off-line media. Each chapter begin with a brief, then methodically works through the entire strategic and creative process until the most effective final draft is written. “And this is where the difference shines,” according to the Victorian Writer’s Centre review, “this is a bright, demanding and stimulating dialogue between Teacher and Students. The reader is in the classroom observing and listening to the discussion.”
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