copywriting courses

One-On-One. Live-Online. Face-To-Face. In Real Time. This is an industry-standard copywriting course designed and delivered for professional communicators in all types of commercial, public and community services.

You will acquire the very know-how essential to clear thinking and clear writing for effective communications.

This we accomplish by you completing 3 projects of your choice (each worth approximately $300 in standard copywriting fees). From theory to practice to concept to completion is this copywriting course’s way to mastering the craft of copywriting.

Along the way, you will experience many ah ha’s! and oh yeah’s!

Learn from a qualified teacher and professional copywriter.

I, Nick Di Tempora, begin by getting to know your learning objectives and the projects you want to work on. The curriculum is calibrated to your needs, wants and outcomes relevant to your professional development.

Along the way, we collabo-write together. Because it’s a live stream, face-to-face, real time  copywriting course, you get very NOW feedback. This master/apprentice learning model guarantees you maximum learning and development on the job.

Of course, you can do the travel and traffic to my CAE/Box Hill Institute or Writers Victoria copywriting courses. But with a classroom full of people, there’s no opportunity to get your own project done, let alone three (!) My online Copywriting in Action® course is all “you time”, hassle free and do-able anywhere in Australia and overseas.

What’s more, if ever work, life or health gets in the way, you can always reschedule the missed session. This means your course fee never goes to waste.

But above and beyond all (other copywriting courses), you come out of Copywriting in Action® Online with 3 professional pieces of writing for your work and/or your folio.


Before & After Copywriting Course

(Part 1) Way of the Copywriter: From Theory to Practice

We begin the first part of each session with a visual tutorial on one of the eight essential stages of properly practiced copywriting.

The first stage is the Communication Brief: Big Mind Big Heart. 

The next six stages take you through the6 stages of the Anatomy of Body Copy: Moving Story Forward.

And the final stage is Judging Your Work: The 8 Question Method.

These tutorials are packaged into PDF class notes for you to access in your personalised Copywriting in Action® course folder on Google Drive. All your projects and any additional reference material will also be put in this folder. Only you and I have access rights.

What’s more, you have a weekly reading list from my CopyBlog. These posts expand on the topics in the course and demonstrate the craft of copywriting in the process.

During the tutorial part of each session, you’re welcome to jump in with questions, comments or opinions. Any issue, confusion or problem is resolved there and then. I give you the information, knowledge or insight you need to clear the way for your learning to grow and your training to consolidate. This usually becomes an enriching conversation about the art and science and psychology and musicology and neurology and hypnotology and so-on-ology of writing quality content for selling and/or telling.

(Part 2) Way of the Copywriter: from Concept to Completion

The second half of the session is the In Action part of this online copywriting course. You begin work on your three preferred projects. These can be real jobs you bring to class; personal assignments and/or hypotheticals for real-world application by me.

Each project is written collaboratively via Google Docs. You learn the craft of copywriting in all it’s fascinating dimensions. You see what works and what doesn’t. You have many “ah ha!” moments and “oh yeah!” epiphanies. You acquire the know-how along the way. You witness your ideas and writing evolve into quality content of industry standard.

You quite literally live and learn in the moment. Hence Copywriting IN ACTION (!)

Your aim is to complete three projects for any media to a professional standard. My aim is to make sure of that.

How Do You Choose From So Many Copywriting Courses?

The short answer is, “read their copy and see if they practice what they teach like this page does”.

Every sentence here is written to demonstrate the craft of copywriting (and SEO). These words are carefully chosen and structured for clear, concise and compelling communication. All these words add up to a single-minded key message: the only way you learn properly practiced copywriting is one-on-one with a pro copywriter and qualified teacher.

If the course fee is what sways you, look at the features and benefits:


Copywriting in Action® is a premium quality, customised, one-on-one professional development program in which you complete 3 projects worth up to $500 each (in professional copywriting fees).


Your come out of this online copywriting course a thoroughly professional, adaptable, all-round copywriter for all media great and small.


This online copywriting course is, without doubt, an exceptional return on investment.


Copywriting in Action® is the sure way to get to where you want to go, earn what you want to earn, and realise the dreams you want to realise.

Get in touch with Nick down here